- This is the memory module for the ND-110 PCX, butterfly CPU.
- It also have all the I/O; console, panel and the PC bus.
- The prototype (PCB B) has external power line.
- Using 8 pieces of the 9 bits DRAM modules, 262144 x 9 bits x 8 pieces (total 2.25 MB).
- Print: B ECO: M
- Print: C ECO: M
- Print: K ECO: M
- PCB size 336 x 120 mm, 9 layers
- Release date xx. xxx. 1987
- 41300B
- 41400D
- 41500E
- 41600B
- 41700A
- 41800C or
- 41900G
- 41901G
- 42000C
- AM2817 - EEPROM
- AM9516 - UDMA (not installed)
- AMZ8530 - SCC (not installed)
- HB561003 - DRAM x 8 pieces
- LD1 (yellow) - Opcom
- LD2 (green) - Running
- LD3 (red) - Error
- (J108) - Power
- (J103) - Console, panel
- (J104) - External panel
- (J110) - Intra connector to CPU & MMS
- (J111) - Intra connector to CPU & MMS
- (J112) - Intra connector to CPU & MMS
- (J113) - Intra connector to CPU & MMS
- PC AT bus
Component side, PCB version B - prototype
Solder side, PCB version B - prototype
Component side, PCB version C
Solder side, PCB version C
Component side, PCB version K
Solder side, PCB version K
PCB 3401 & 3402, PCB version C